“REVOLVE, in the River Arts District’s Cotton Mill Studios, is quickly becoming known as the reigning spot in town for bringing the Asheville art world into conversations happening in the global art and academic world.” – asheville grit

REVOLVE is open to the public with a newly renovated space that will be home to a gallery, a studio, and a teaching/think tank space.  We will host one-person shows as well as a rotating collection of vibrant, challenging art.  In addition to the creation and display of new art, we will build an open space where artists, writers, scholars, the creative community, and audiences can come together to foster inquiry and expression, learn new methods and media, exchange ideas, laugh, dream, brainstorm, celebrate and complain.

We view CRAFT as a mindset as well as a practice. We want to question the lines drawn between artist and audience, image and idea, inspiration and technique.

Our mission is to gather in one place the creative energies of the Asheville area, represented by a variety of viewpoints, forms of expression, markets and communities, and to reach out from the Blue Ridge Mountains to the visual and intellectual landscape of the US and abroad. We plan to generate conversations that inspire collaboration across media, disciplines, identities and agendas.

REVOLVE seeks to evolve how we humans view the world and transform how we both share and shape that vision.
